Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wedding Wednesday

It's been just over 9 months since I was married and I still have a HUGE stack of cards up in my craft room (a.k.a. junk room where I'm storing the wedding stuff I haven't gone through) that I want to keep, but didn't know how to keep them together and make it look good.  THEN, I found this great idea.  My goal is to have this done by our anniversary.  I'll probably do one for each of my bridal showers and then do another one for the wedding.  I'll also probably do it with two holes instead of 1, and binder rings, just because I don't know if one will hold all of our cards.  I'm actually really excited to do this project... I may have J help me with it because it means we'll have another chance to look through our cards  :-D

Book with all your wedding cards
You can check out all of my Wedding Wednesday pins on my Wedding Wednesday Pinterest Board!

Happy Hump Day!!!

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