Our first Thanksgiving was a success!!! We had time with family and we are completely exhausted, which means it must have gone well, right :)
Everyone arrived on Wednesday... J's mom and step-dad from Minnesota and my mom in the afternoon, and my dad late a night after he got done refereeing his basketball game.
We went to a local burger joint for dinner on Wednesday so we didn't have to be in the kitchen and then we went home and relaxed since everyone was tired from traveling.
We got up Thursday morning and got in the kitchen! My mom brought cinnamon rolls (grandma's recipe) for breakfast and then we cooked all day until dinner at 3:30. We had turkey, ham, a bunch of casseroles (corn, pineapple, sweet potato), green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and a pumpkin and squash soup that was my experiment that luckily turned out really well! J also made 2 apple pies and 2 pumpkin pies and my mom brought a cherry pie for dessert. Everything was delicious and we even used the china that I got from my grandmother to make dinner EXTRA fancy. Here is a look at our table...
Our Thanksgiving Table |
My DIY Centerpiece |
Clean-up was quick because everyone was so helpful and then we relaxed and watched football. The final Texas v Texas A&M game before the Aggies leave for the SEC, started at 8:00 pm (Horns win!!!) and it ended at about 5 minutes until midnight, when it was time for shopping!
J, my mom and I were the only ones who ventured out for midnight shopping, and it was a bust. Kohls was so full that we didn't even make it to the parking lot... we just U-Turned and left. We went to Target, where we did find a parking spot, but where there wasn't anything that was worth waiting in line to pay for, so that was kind of a waste, too. We were home by 1:00 am and in bed by 1:30 am... much different than normal.
On Friday we got up and had breakfast and then went to Brown County... to Nashville, Indiana, which is a super cute little town for of craft shops and tourists. It was crowded, but not unbearable and we did get a little bit of Christmas shopping done. We got home and ate (again) and then J, his mom and step-dad and I went to the mall and to Lowe's. His mom was taking our Christmas presents back to Minnesota for J's side of the family, so we had to get as much of their shopping as possible done.
We got home and I realized that I did not have any gift boxes, so I ran to CVS and got some stuff that I needed and wrapped a bunch of presents (I love wrapping presents) that are on their way back to Minnesota to go under J's mom's tree! It's actually kind of nice to be done with a few people on our Christmas list.
Saturday, we got up and had another great breakfast and then J took his mom and step-dad on a quick driving tour around campus while my mom and dad and I relaxed around the house and got the Christmas tree put up... HOORAY!!! When J got home he was so surprised to see the tree up... it was great!
J's mom and step-dad got packed up when they got home and headed out on their log trip north. J and I went for our run (5 miles... I made it!!) and when we got back, my dad had already left to go ref his basketball game. I ate a little bit of lunch, despite my upset stomach from my run, and then my mom and I headed out to do some shopping.
She was looking for Christmas gifts, which she found a few of, and I was looking for things to decorate the tree and the new fireplace. I think I got some really great deals and the inside of the house is fully decorated (minus the tree topper that I wanted J to help me pick out) and the outside just needs some lights!
Our house just works with Christmas. We have a warm living room with a really deep red accent wall and our dining room and kitchen are a light green. Those are the colors I went with for my tree and my decorations and I just LOVE how they look. PICTURES TO COME SOON!!!
Sunday, we got up and made breakfast and my mom got packed up and on the road. I got the ornaments that I bought, up on the tree and there are even presents under there already (from J's mom and one from me)!!!
The rest of Sunday was spent on the couch for some much needed relaxation and quiet time. A little bit on online shopping, some time on Blogger and some TV... perfect way to spend a Sunday!
The next couple of weeks are going to be SUPER crazy at work, so I'm hoping to have some really relaxing weekends, with some Christmas shopping and some quality time on the couch, enjoying the Christmas tree!