For the past three years, I've driven a great car - her name is Beans...

She was the first car I ever bought - well, leased - and there is nothing about her that I would change. Unfortunately, when the end of the lease came along, I had a decision to make... I really wanted to buy her, but I also really wanted to lower my car payment and buying her would not do that for me.
SO, my dad let me know that he was looking for a new car for my mom and that if I didn't want to buy Beans, they would - which they did. So, I set out on a quest to find a new car. For about 7 years, I'd driven Hyundais... I had a Santa Fe before Beans, and I didn't drive any other cars before getting Beans 3 years ago.
For the past few weeks, J and I have been visiting dealers and seeing what else was out there. I drove a Santa Fe, another Tucson, a Nissan Rogue and a Ford Escape. They were all great, but the Santa Fe and Escape weren't going to lower my payments. I was deciding between a less equipped Tucson and an even lesser equipped Rogue.
Then, I started working at Michigan and found out that we get a Ford discount! So, I looked at inventory online and went to a dealership up here (Briarwood Ford in Saline) where I test drove the Escape one more time and got GREAT service. They guy gave us a straight price, and there was no back a forth...
SO - here it is... I'm the proud new owner (well, leaser) of this 2014 Ford Escape (name still TBD)!!!